Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Burns Bog/Delta Nature Reserve Boardwalk

This past weekend vandals destroyed many sections of the boardwalk that was constructed in the reserve to mitigate damage to the ecosystem and enable easier access for the public to enjoy the bog. Along with the boardwalk damage, some memory benches were destroyed or moved and garbage/broken glass was strewn along the trails.

I wonder if the vandals know that volunteers spend countless hours installing the boardwalk and maintaining it. Money for materials come from some grants but mostly from public donations. The Burns Bog Conservation Society does not receive any money from the Corporation of Delta.

I am sure if they understood these implications, they might be more considerate to others who use the trails for walking their dogs, running for exercise or just to get out and back to nature.

So if you took part in this destruction, don't be a coward and come out and help fix it and pay for the material needed to replace the damaged wood and memory benches and pickup the broken glass and litter. Who knows the next dog that gets a cut on his paw from the broken glass might be your own or belong to a friend.

1 comment:

  1. I am sorry for the hit you have taken. Rebuild. Move on, and don't hate. Burns bog is a treasure, and vandals like this are doomed to lead pathetic, painful existences until they learn the error of their ways, and make amends for the harm they have caused.

    You matter.
